NCAC’s Spring Conference
Energy Technologies and Innovations: A Disturbance in the [Market] Force
Clear your calendar for April 12, 2018! NCAC’s Spring Conference, Energy Technologies and Innovations: A Disturbance in the [Market] Force, will be held at George Washington University. The event is cosponsored by GW’s Economics Honor Society. The all-day conference will focus on how the energy sector is morphing because of technological breakthroughs and other changes, such as batteries, policy, exports, blockchain, and big data. The program should prove to be an exciting exchange of ideas. It will be followed by a reception.
And check out these great upcoming events:
- February 9, 2018 | Lunch Meeting
- March 1 Annual Dinner
- March 7-8 Technical Tour
- April 24 Happy Hour

Friday, February 9, 2018 - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Topic: NGLS - The 'Lower Carbon Hydrocarbons' Leading the U.S. Manufacturing Renaissance
Presenter: Anne Keller, Research Director - Natural Gas Liquids, Wood MacKenzie, Inc.
Description: The often overlooked and usually unheralded bounty of the shale revolution has been a huge increase in natural gas liquids production. In the northeastern part of the U.S., China has announced plans to spend as much as $80 billion to capitalize on abundant gas and NGLs in West Virginia. On the U.S. Gulf Coast, $85 billion has already been spent since 2010 on capacity expansions with more to come. What's the excitement about?
Lunch location is Carmines, 425 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20004. Register here soon; the NCAC lunch presentations fill up quickly.

NCAC Annual Dinner
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 6:00 PM
Topic: A U.S Producer’s Story: Opportunities and Challenges of Natural Gas Exploration and Production in Europe
Presenter: George Yates is President and CEO of HEYCO Energy Group, Inc., an exploration and production company.
Description: George Yates has been a success as an independent oil and gas producer in the U.S. HEYCO Energy was in the forefront of the U.S. shale revolution. Next, HEYCO and its subsidiaries have set their sights on Europe. HEYCO was part of the group that discovered the Avington field in southern England in 2007. Today HEYCO is positioned in 1.4 million acres in Northern Spain and in England’s unconventional gas play, the Bowlen Shale, as well as other European locations.
Dinner location is The University Club DC, 1135 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Register here.
NCAC Technical Tour
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 2:00 PM -- Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 8:00 PM
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and Longview Power Plant, Morgantown, West Virginia
This is an overnight trip. Members will leave by bus from the Shady Grove Metro station to travel to Morgantown, where we will eat dinner and spend the night at the Fairfield Inn.
The first stop on Thursday morning is the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown, one of a handful of such facilities in the country. Significant research on coal and carbon capture is performed at the lab for the Department of Energy.
After lunch, the group will be given a tour of Longview Power, a 700-megawatt coal-fired generator built in 2011 in nearby Maidsville, WV, that employs the best available emissions control technology and is one of the most efficient such plants in the country.
You must take two steps to make your reservation: first, get details and sign up on the NCAC website; second, reserve a room at the Fairfield Inn. There is an NCAC group rate for those who reserve before February 28.
Happy Hour Event
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 – 5:30-8:00
NCAC will co-host with
Location is Dirty Martini, 1223 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. Register on the NCAC website. Contact Garry Tyran online or at 202-669-8130 for more information.

4th Annual Clean Energy and Sustainability Extravaganza
University of Maryland - College Park - STAMP STUDENT UNION
Friday, February 23rd 11 am – 8 pm
The Association of Energy Engineers – National Capital Chapter (AEE NCC), Association of Energy Engineers – Baltimore Chapter (AEE-Baltimore), and Leaders in Energy are joining with the University of Maryland (UMD) for its 4th annual Clean Energy & Sustainability Extravaganza.
Our theme is "Cleantech Innovation and Entrepreneurship." Cleantech is an umbrella term referring to clean energy, environmental, and sustainable or green products and services. This event will bring together the university and business communities in cleantech. Participants will learn about research and ventures from University of Maryland departments and businesses, including start-ups. They will also hear from women leaders who will provide their perspectives on the industry, in addition to career advice and tips.
The Extravaganza has three components:
- AEE NCC and AEE-Baltimore Council on Women in Energy and Environmental Leadership (CWEEL) Luncheon Panel “Career Perspectives in Cleantech from Women Leaders” (11:00 am – 1:45 pm)
- Leaders in Energy Cleantech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase (2:30 – 5:30 pm)
- Leaders in Energy Reception (6:00 – 8:00 pm)
Register here.
NCAC-USAEE’s Mentorship Program
A Mentoring Success Story
NCAC established the online Mentorship Program to enable members to tap into the deep reservoir of experience and knowledge of energy industries, markets and development, and career opportunities, embodied in its membership. Mentoring relationships can benefit not only participating members, but also the NCAC. For example, Peter Hoegler, a George Washington University (GWU) senior and NCAC student member, recently reached out to Michael Ratner, NCAC Vice President and a policy analyst at Congressional Research Service, to be his mentor. Peter wanted some help thinking about post-graduation opportunities. The two got together and two very good things happened: Peter got some career advice and an internship, while Michael got an intern and help organizing the NCAC Spring Conference, which will be at GW. In fact, Peter was the key to securing the venue and having a university group co-sponsor the event.
The mentorship program is open to all NCAC members. In the coming year, we hope to see more members taking advantage of the opportunities the program offers. We also are exploring ways to improve and enrichen the mentee-mentor interactions, to make it a more effective service for NCAC members. This includes inviting the mentors and mentees to attend NCAC’s joint Happy Hour with WCEE this coming April. Links to further information about NCAC’s Mentorship Program, and easy directions to sign up either as a mentor or mentee, can be found on NCAC’s website.
On February 9, 2011, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) launched a significantly refreshed website that included new features, even more information, and better navigation. According to Richard Newell, EIA Administrator at that time, the new site was part of a comprehensive initiative to improve the agency's ability to disseminate the vast data and analysis capabilities of EIA. Chief among the site's new features was Today in Energy, with its focus on timely energy topics and issues. When Adam Sieminski became EIA Administrator in June 2012, he encouraged EIA staff think of Today in Energy as one of EIA’s most important publications.
Sieminski believed that the daily message’s clear text and compelling graphics would improve EIA’s ability to reach policy makers and their staffs with the relevant information needed to make informed decisions and deal with current energy affairs. Today in Energy went from being published by an entirely volunteer staff to having a core of full-time analysts. According to Sieminski, “performance standards across EIA were set to encourage contributions from all agency employees and care was taken to ensure that all fuels, regions, and consuming sectors would receive coverage.”
By providing links to EIA’s in-depth work, Today in Energy assures that readers have access to the agency’s full output that is highlighted in the daily publication. In addition to acting as a primer to those new to the energy industry, the publication serves as a comprehensive refresher-course for both private-sector and government officials who are faced with important energy problems.