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Welcome Students!

The NCAC actively encourages Student Membership and participation through reduced annual dues and subsidized entry fees to our activities.

By becoming Members, students benefit from the opportunity to network and interact with some of the pre-eminent Members of the energy and economics community in the Washington area, and to meet and exchange ideas with other students in the area. These contacts foster learning and can result in increased professional or academic opportunities in the future.

Membership in the NCAC Council also opens the door to the National and International Chapters, which can vastly increase student opportunities for learning and advancement.

Student Members bring new energy and ideas to the NCAC Council, and are key to the Chapter’s continued success.

Student Subsidy Continues

We are making a special effort to attract more students to our luncheons.  For this purpose, the Chapter’s governing Council has agreed to allow any Chapter Member bringing a student attending for the first time to themselves pay only the student rate.

About The Mark Lively Memorial Scholarship Program

NCAC encourages students' participation in NCAC and USAEE conferences. To further this goal, NCAC provides grants to DC area university students attending these conferences as a presenter or a participant. Up to five grants of $750 are available to help students attend USAEE conferences. 

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