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NCAC Annual Dinner co-hosted by the Embassy of Canada, with special guest Ed Morse, Global Head of Commodities Research at Citi

  • 5 Feb 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Embassy of Canada, 501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
  • 50


* PLEASE NOTE THERE IS A $5.00 SURCHARGE FOR PAYING AT THE DOOR. Payment at the door must be cash or check.

Oil and the Heisenberg Principle: The Search for Stability Guarantees Volatility?

Dr. Morse brings to his analysis a unique breadth of experience extending from academia and think tanks to government, business, consulting and publishing. A sampling of Dr. Morse's experience includes: serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Policy in both the Carter and Reagan Administrations; in management at Phillips Petroleum Co.; co-founder of PFC Energy; and publisher of "Petroleum Intelligence Weekly". Among his consulting experiences has been designing Yemen's oil pricing policy and assisting in the negotiations of its initial export contracts as well as helping the UN Security Council design the Oil-for-Food Program for Iraq and assisting in its negotiations with Baghdad to achieve its agreement. He is a Senior Fellow of both the USAEE and the IEEJ and in 2018 was named by Petroleum Economist in its inaugural “Global Energy Elite” issue as among the ten most prominent individuals in energy banking and finance.     


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