With a new US Administration, it's time to Demystify Environmental Credits
This event is free to NCAC-USAEE members
A special request - please do not quote Mr. Walsh without requesting his explicit permission.
Market-based approaches to climate change are currently being used in 12 states that account for more than a quarter of the US population and a third of GDP. California began operating a cap-and-trade program in 2013. Washington state launched its Clean Air Rule in 2017. Ten states participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).
Former NCAC-USAEE President and President of Powerhouse, Elaine Levin, will host featured expert Dr. Michael Walsh of Incubex to discuss:
-The basics - How market base incentives to climate change work
-RECs, LCFS, RINS, CCA & RGGIs - So many acronyms. What are the differences? What kind of impact have these programs had so far? Have they really reduced the use of fossil fuels?
-The next step - financial markets. Futures contracts in energy provide a market for producers and consumers to hedge their risk. They also provide price discovery. Environmental credits futures have started trading on the Nodal Exchange based in the Washington, DC area. What are the benefits? How do they work? What is the outlook for participation in these markets?
Registration will close on the prior day, March 1, when registrants also receive the Zoom link. The Members Only section of the website appears in the menu after logging into www.ncac-usaee.org, where the recording can be accessed afterward.
Non-members can join NCAC-USAEE for $35, entitling participation in NCAC-USAEE for this and all monthly webinars in 2021. Sign up for membership at: https://www.ncac-usaee.org/membership and then sign-up for the event.
Speaker Bio
Michael Walsh is a leader in research, design, development and activation of pioneering market-based mechanisms that advance natural resource conservation and air and water quality. He has served as a principal designer and lead implementer of existing markets for water quality and air pollution reduction, including sulfur dioxide and greenhouse gases. In each of these market development programs, an intensive R&D process was accompanied by major outreach and education efforts involving a broad range of stakeholders. Walsh has enjoyed two decades of successful interaction with diverse sectors ranging from energy, agriculture, forestry, water authorities, manufacturing, to academia and governments at all levels. See his full resume at https://theincubex.com/dr-michael-walsh-cv/