Energy Today and Tomorrow
25th Annual Conference of the National Capital Area Chapter, U.S. Association for Energy Economics
Co-hosted with George Mason University, Center for Energy Science and Policy
Wednesday April 27, 2022
Venue: George Mason University, Arlington Campus, Van Metre Hall
3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201
8:00 AM Breakfast and Registration
8:30 AM Welcome and opening remarks
Natalie Kempkey, President, NCAC-USAEE
Richard Kauzlarich, Director, Center for Energy Science and Policy; Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
8:45 AM - 10:00 AM: Morning Panel Session 1
Topic: Energy Today
Topic Summary: What is the near-term outlook for US & global energy markets?
We will focus on key themes:
- How will Russia’s invasion of Ukraine–and responses by the US, EU, and others–impact global oil markets, as well as Europe’s energy situation (gas, coal, electricity)?
- Where are we still seeing impacts from the pandemic, and where have things recovered?
- Lots of energy issues are in the recent headlines: high prices, reliability, environmental regulation and economic growth, and energy security. How can policy help to manage these issues and mitigate potential tensions when societal objectives may not align?
- Near-term solutions: How do we weigh addressing today's problems against medium- and long-term considerations?
Moderator: Peter Whitman, OnLocation Inc.
1. Speaker 1: Kevin Book, ClearView Energy Partners, LLC
2. Speaker 2: James Preciado, Energy Information Administration
3. Speaker 3: David Patton, Potomac Economics, Ltd
10:05 AM - 11:20 AM: Morning Panel Session 2
Topic: Ambitions for Energy Tomorrow
Topic Summary: The panel will discuss various state/utility/ ambitions to achieve decarbonization by 2030/2050. Drivers for those changes along with proposed policy measures to achieve decarbonization will be discussed. How will the energy sector of 2030, 2040 and 2050 look like compared to today?
Moderator: Richard Meyer, AGA
1. Speaker 1: Mallik Angalakudati, Senior Vice President for Strategy & Innovation, WGL
2. Speaker 2: Joseph Majkut, Director of Energy Security and Climate Change Program, CSIS
3. Speaker 3: Michael Cohen, Chief US Economist and Head of Oil Analysis, BP
11:30 AM to 12:45 PM: Morning Panel Session 3
Topic: Near-Term Constraints on Decarbonization
Topic Summary: The Panel will examine the near-term constraints on moving rapidly to a net-zero economy. It will focus on electricity generation and transmission, and electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Specific attention will be paid to state plans, such as in California and New York, and issues around consumer preferences for EVs.
Moderator: Jonathan Chanis, New Tide Asset Management
1. Speaker 1: James E. Hanley, Empire Center for Public Policy
2. Speaker 2: Stefan Koester, Senior Policy Analyst, ITIF
3. Speaker 3: Lucian (Lou) Pugliaresi, President, Energy Policy Research Foundation (EPRINC)
12:45 AM - 2:00 PM: Lunch Keynote
Speaker: Clay Seigle, Energy Strategist and Vice-President, US Association of Energy Economics,
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Afternoon Panel Session 4
Topic: Solutions – Markets, Policies, and Regulations
Topic Summary: This panel will consider the market, policy, and regulatory solutions to the many decarbonization issues raised in the previous panel. It will look to solutions for bringing decarbonization value into markets, regulations to guide those markets, and policies that will drive the transition. Specific topics to include: differentiating fuels by climate impact, enhancing power markets to support high levels of clean energy, and, of course, climate policy and carbon pricing.
Moderator: Jeff Plewes, Charles River Associates
1. Speaker 1: TJ Conway, RMI
2. Speaker 2: Professor Mark Langevin, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
3. Speaker 3: Barney Rush, Member of the Board and Director, ISO New England
4. Speaker 4: Suriya Evans-Pritchard Jayanti, US Department of Commerce, Eney LLC
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM: Afternoon Panel Session 5
Topic: Solutions - Technologies
Topic Summary: The panel will focus on the emerging technologies and the policy and the regulatory framework needed to deploy them at scale. The focus will also be on other technologies that are under development and that show the greatest promise. The possible focus areas include energy storage, hydrogen, advanced nuclear.
Moderator: Sreekanth Venkataraman, SIA Solutions
1. Speaker 1: Patrick Giardina, SalasOBrien
2. Speaker 2: Jeffrey Eppink, President & Founder, Enegis, LLC
3. Speaker 3: Viresh Shah, Senior Energy Technology Consultant
4:45 PM: Closing Remarks
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Reception and Happy Hour