Mr. Craig Glazer will be presenting an overview of how the energy transition is affecting each of the key functions performed by grid operators. His talk will look at reforms underway in PJM’s capacity and energy markets, PJM’s transmission planning function and in PJM’s core function of ensuring reliability of the bulk power electric system in the PJM region. In addition, Mr. Glazer will also review positions PJM has publicly taken on the integration of various state and federal public policy initiatives with its role in managing the electric grid.
As Vice President of Federal Government Policy, Mr. Glazer coordinates all of PJM’s federal policy positions and interface with the Congress, the Executive Branch and the independent regulatory commissions. PJM is the Regional Transmission Organization serving 65 million people in all or parts of the states of New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois and the District of Columbia.
Speaker Bio:

Craig Glazer, vice president – Federal Government Policy, coordinates all of PJM’s regulatory and legislative policies before Congress, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the United States Department of Energy and other federal agencies. Mr. Glazer also serves on the board of PJM Settlement Inc., which undertakes all of the settlement functions of the PJM marketplace.
Prior to joining PJM, Mr. Glazer served as commissioner and chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. Mr. Glazer oversaw Ohio’s move toward deregulation of its telephone, natural gas, transportation and electric industries. He also chaired the state’s Siting Board and served as a member of the Governor’s Cabinet.
Mr. Glazer remains extremely active on national electricity issues. He frequently testified before Congress and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on development of Regional Transmission Organizations and the needs of the marketplace. Mr. Glazer served as a member of the board of directors of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Chair of its International Relations Committee and a member of its Electricity and Energy Resources Committees. He also chaired the National Council on Competition in the Electric Industry, an interagency collaborative which brought together FERC, the state PUCs, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. EPA and the National Council of State Legislatures.
He also has served as chair of the board of directors of the Northeast Midwest Institute, a bipartisan research arm of the Northeast and Midwest region’s Congressional delegations. and as a member of the Advisory Councils of the Electric Power Research Institute and the Gas Research Institute.
Mr. Glazer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Vanderbilt University School of Law.
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